Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Regent's Canal Cycle Improvements

Hackney Council is about to carry out works to improve conditions for cyclists along Regents Row. These works are aimed at making Regents Row easier to use for cyclists and improving the connection with the Regents Canal Towpath and Queensbridge Road Canal Bridge.

The towpath often gets very busy and space is limited. These proposals are aimed at providing better access for cyclists to use alternative routes  and so help relieve pressure and reduce conflict between cyclists and pedestrians using the towpath.

The plans include:

  • Extending the pavement at the western end of Regents Row by the entrance to the towpath and building a ramp for cyclists.
  • Removing the existing barrier gate at the intersection of Regents Row and Marlborough Avenue.
  • Painting double yellow lines  along Regents Row between Marlborough Avenue  and Queensbridge Road bridge to prevent vehicles obstructing the road and to maintain accessibility. These measures will not reduce or impact on current parking provision in the area.

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