Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Licensing Applications week ending 16 July 2010

This is the old Legion pub.

Be At One
348 Old Street
London EC1V 9NQ
Be At One Ltd

Application for variation of premises licence for recorded music, performance of dance, anything of similar description, making music, facilities for dance, entertainment of similar description, supply of alcohol and late night refreshment from 10:00 to 01:00am Sunday to Thursday and from 10:00 to 03:00am Friday and Saturday.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Free Swimming to Continue in Hackney

You may have read that the coalition government has cut funding for free swimming. It is, according to Tory Minister for Sport Hugh Robertson "a luxury we can't afford". 

However, there's good news in Hackney following an announcement from the Mayor, Jules Pipe, that thousands of residents can continue to swim for free at Hackney’s leisure centres. The free swimming programme is for all under 18s and over 60s and has been very popular in Hackney.

Despite the Government cutting their part of the funding, Hackney Council will keep the programme going.

There will also be a consultation later this year to find out more about local people’s priorities for use of facilities in Hackney, and work out the best ways to promote and encourage swimming activities for residents.

The Tory Government used a piece of research by PriceWaterhouse Coopers to justify their decision. However, according to today's Guardian, the report in fact concluded that "Overall the impact has been positive." They suggested the scheme be built on to "ensure the free swimming programme delivers the desired outcomes to an even greater degree, including enhanced value for money". They recommended local authorities work harder to market the free entry to attract non-swimmers, and "make facilities more attractive to lapsed swimmers through capital improvement projects".

for more information go to the GLL website here.